Download How To Hack A Electric Meter카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 25. 17:20
Arduino: 1.8.2 (Windows 10), Board: 'Arduino/Genuino Uno'C:Usersvikash tiwariDocumentsArduinoECMETERCODEECMETERCODE.ino:1:21: fatal error: OneWire.h: No such file or directory#include ^compilation terminated.exit status 1Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno.This report would have more information with'Show verbose output during compilation'option enabled in File - Preferences.this was the error message. I think I need the modified onewire and dallas library. Can you please provide me.Are you sure?. Arduino: 1.8.2 (Windows 10), Board: 'Arduino/Genuino Uno'Build options changed, rebuilding allSketch uses 7056 bytes (21%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.Global variables use 610 bytes (29%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1438 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.avrdude: seropen: can't open device '.COM5': The system cannot find the file specified.Problem uploading to board. See for suggestions.This report would have more information with'Show verbose output during compilation'option enabled in File - Preferences.after addine Arduino inbuilt onewire library.
I am getting this messageAre you sure?. Hi everybody.I've been successfully reading EC with your code and my arduino UNO & Mega.But the thing is, when i try with my ESP32 on an ADC port, i get incoherent voltages.
I've been playing with a similar project for a few days and fighting some distortion on my readings as the conductivity goes up. My guess is that it is due to polarization.I'd like to add a few notes and questions:a) When you say 'You want the Solid Prong type plug' you meant the right end of the cable or to not use plugs with those little holes on the side? I changed one with the little holes to to another one (solid, round, little smaller area) and I think I got better readings.b) The first reading gets discarded.
Have you experimented with the ESP32 at all? My RO system already runs on one and it actually has multiple analog inputs compared to the ESP8266. I started to dive into it but the coding looked beyond my level. It appears a lot of the ADC stuff is still in development.Some more helpful info. I called HM Digital and found out their inline probe K value is 0.67.
Not sure if HM Digital is very big in the UK but in the US they seem to be the standard with RO units. Unfortunately their monitors do not have a data out but doesn't mean you can't recycle the probe! Also no data on the internal thermister (said they would have to call Korea) so an external temp probe is still needed.If using their probes (or similar inline push fitting style) make sure you calibrate them INSIDE their T-fitting. The prongs are compressed together slightly while in the fitting and it appears the calibration point takes that into account. Results still weren't perfect using the 0.67 and 10,000K resistor but they were significantly better compared to measuring a naked probe.
At 100ppm I read 105, 13-14 I read 15.46, and at 3-4 I read around 6 ppm. My other probe from China I calculated K to be around 0.565. I would say a K range of 0.4-0.8 would be good for these smaller probes.Are you sure?. Great project! I ended up making a few interactive graphs with your equations for both the Arduino and ESP8266 boards. Both the K value and R1 have sliders so you can see how each will change the curve. Apparently if you double the R1 value but halve the K value you get roughly the same curve.
That was one of a few different 'OOOOOHHHHHHH, that's how that works!' At least this felt better than plugging random numbers in and hoping for the best haha.Arduino:ESP8266:Feel free to reuse these if you want. Figured someone out there would appreciate the little extra help:)Graph Instructions:The X axis is the 'Raw' variable, so 1 - 1024.
The Y axis is PPM (Hana 0.5). The adjustable equation is the Red line.
Sliders can be found at the bottom of the menu on the left. It starts off with what you chose in the tutorial. The next 4 lines can be used for comparison. They are set near my calibration point with Purple = R 10000, K 0.5; Orange = R 10000, K 1; Blue = 20000, K 0.5; Green = R 20000, K 1. Both Orange and Blue should basically be on top of each other (what I referenced earlier).If you want to convert back to EC just delete the.500 at the very end of the equation.
To change to a different PPM just change 500 to 640 or 700. To change the range or step of K or R1 click on either the min or max number found on either side of the slide. Everything else I am going to assume you guys can figure it out.Are you sure?.
Digital electric meters being installed throughout North Texas could be sabotaged, according to security experts.Unlike analog electric meters that have a wheel that spins and dials that record total electric use, the so-called 'smart meters' are digital with a tiny computer and wireless communication capability.' There's a little processor in here doing the work now; there's software,' said at in Dallas.Mitchell works in the HACNet Lab at SMU's Computer Science and Engineering Department, which is studying potential problems hackers could cause with the new digital meters. There are worries that digital meters being installed now could be sabotaged (Published Monday, Sept.
21, 2009)'They could cause some kind of mass disconnect for the neighborhood or part of the grid,' said, of HACNet. 'It could be the whole Dallas area.' Workers with North Texas electric provider are fanning out across the region to replace more than three million of the old analog meters with the new 'smart' meters in the next few years.' That's one of the largest and most comprehensive exchanges in the country,' said Oncor spokesperson.Customers have already started paying for the meters with a state-approved rate hike of $2.21 a month for the next 11 years, a total of $291.72 per meter.The company says it is a good deal for customers.' We anticipate there will be about $200 to $300 a year savings just from the knowledge that consumers gain from these meters,' Peters said.Instead of waiting for a monthly power bill to arrive to track your usage, a wireless device - sold separately - could read the smart meter constantly.Future rates may vary by time of day to reflect peak demand periods and future appliances will communicate with the digital meter.' They will also be able to decide, 'When's the best time to run the air conditioner?
When's the best time to run the washer or dryer?' ' Peters said.Smart meters offer several advantages for power companies. Constant monitoring allows more accurate power generation and distribution.' Every 15 minutes, Oncor will be reading a meter,' Peters said. 'In the past, we've done once a month.' And the meters approved for Texas give companies the ability to remotely connect and disconnect customers.But that also poses a security concern, experts say. If the company can remotely disconnect service through a smart meter, a hacker could do so, too.'
Smart Meter Hack
That person drives through the alley way of a neighborhood, sends that command to every meter and disconnects all those residents from power,' Thornton said.Or the sabotage could occur from the power company's computer.' They can get in the server, and then it's the broadcast effect. They can go to multiple meters and do the same thing,' Nair said.Usage information that would be stored in the meter could also permit a hacker to see inside a home. Data on the times of day when less electricity is used could offer a burglar better knowledge about when to stage a break-in.'
You'll be able to measure a lot more than just overall power usage,' Thornton said.Oncor said it is installing multiple layers of security to guard against all of these threats.' We are designing a comprehensive system that has both human and technological protection for the consumer,' Peters said.
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'And the interaction between the meter and the house is secure, so there's no opportunity for anyone else to observe your data.' But the meters are already being installed, and experts argue utilities have not perfected protection yet.' I would say we are in the early stages of incorporating serious security measures for these things,' Nair said.The researchers at SMU and other institutions are working to find weak spots in hopes companies will pay them to guard against those threats.' Just like the bank would do, if you have better security, you can attract more customers,' Nair said.More Information:. Oncor offers additional information on the new meters and the installation schedule on its Web site. A conference was recently held in Las Vegas in on the security issues. SMU HACNet 's Web site can be found at.